Here is a list of groups who use our Hall who you can contact - these are all independent group who have given permission to publicise their contact deatail...
10-1pm St Mary's - Children's groups (term time only)
9.30-12 noon sewing club
2-2.30pm St Mary's Banner group (In the Annexe)
2-3pm Tai Chi
6-9pm Pilates & Yoga - Harmony Holistics : Pilates 6.15-7.15pm ; Yoga - 7.30-9.00 contact Mike Cragg ;
6-7-30pm St Mary's, Beaver Scouts in the Scout Hut
6-7pm Kickboxing
11.30-1pm St Mary's, Linc Community cafe (main church hall)
11.30am-1pm St Mary's, Food Pantry (Church hall annexe)
10.30am-12pm St Mary's, Coffee morning (Monthly on the last Thursday of a month)
1.30-3.15pm St Mary's, Tiny Toes (stay and play)
5.30-9pm St Mary's, Girl Guiding - Rainbows and Guides
6-7.30pm St Mary's, Girl guiding - Brownies and Rangers
6-9pm St Mary's, Scouts- Cubs and Scouts in the Scout Hut
9.30-12pm St Mary's, L19: WLDTO! (Monthly last Saturday who let the dads out!)
4-6pm St Mary's, L19:Messy Church (meet seasonal)
**"St Mary's" are church based activities