Now set your mind and heart to seek the LORD your God.

HLF Building progress

Progress to date

Projected and activity dates (latest date first)  

Progress w/e 1 dec

  • Work on the choir/vicars vestry begun, see pictures on the right hand side.
  • Work on timer unit for heating and replacment photocopier started.
  • Exterior lighting planned and begun, the interiour electrical work continued.
  • The Creesington Park door refitted into a bespoke wooden frame.
  • The project activities contur apace


*Second Site meeting 27 November with th profeesional. We discussed...

  • Powersurge
  • Electrics & lighting
  • Two extra area of dry rot discovered
  • Progress on schedule
  • Christmas Break

November progress , the timber work the preservations specialist and the electricals well under way now, and doing a great job.

Select the document to see some pictures, I was strcuk on the light shining incrudible brightly in the Garnet chapel this after noon providing light of many colours- a blessing.

A power surge has cause a few problem, firstly  the heating control isn't working now, dress warmily. Secondly the photocopier couldn't cope with the power surge. We will endeavour to get these sorted asap. 

*Late October opening up the roof space - click to see the various pictures>>>>>

*24 October Work on the south side roof and guttering begins

*24 October - Scaffolding complete

*23 October The organ sealed and protected from dust
*21 October internal scaffolding erected Image may contain: indoor
*w/b 23rd October - lead work begins (phase 1) and will take 4-6 weeks  
*w/b 16th October - organ protection. (Even though the work will be outside at this stage, dust will come in)  
*9th October - 8am - scaffolding south side erected outside (phase 1).
*Start date Agreed 9 October  
September 2017 Awaiting start date from our contractors.  






Saturday 27th July
12:00pm - 3:00pm -
Sunday 28th July
Wednesday 31st July
11:30am - 1:00pm -

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