Now set your mind and heart to seek the LORD your God.


Launch of the Friends of St Mary's Grassendale 8 October 2017 

A big thank you to everybody who attended the Pizza Lunch on 8th October and made the launch of the Friends of St Mary's Grassendale such a great success.  
Membership of The Friends of St Mary's Church Grassendale offers the opportunity to many of us who grew up at St Mary's or were baptised or married in St Mary's and who possibly no longer live in our locality, to help with the continuing and difficult work of preserving our unique church for our future generations. The funds collected by membership, donations and associated gift aid will be separate Restricted Funds and will be used solely for the upkeep of the fabric of our church.
The Pizza lunch was followed by our first annual treasure hunt around the boundary roads of our parish together with a scavenger hunt for our younger members. At the cake and coffee presentation after treasure hunt prizes were awarded to the winners.  

Treasure Hunt Winners

  • Paul Feaver's team of Judith Feaver and Joy Wolstenholme

Junior Scavenger Hunt Winners

  • Kate Griffiths and Faith Williams.



Saturday 8th February
12:00pm - 3:00pm -
Saturday 22nd February
12:00pm - 3:00pm -

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